Bunny Transport Routes - August/September
Updated: Jul 19, 2023
We work with some amazing people to get your sweet bunny to you - near or far! Below are transporters coming near us in June and July.
Each transporter has a form for you to fill out and most of them use paypal or venmo for payment.
To secure your bunny's spot, you need to complete their form AND submit payment.
* I will update this post as I find new transport routes coming near us.*
1. KD Farms Transport - Contact person: KD (Can be reached through Facebook transport page, logo is below so you know you found the right one.)
Link to their form:
2. Hippity Hop Express - Contact Person: Susan Stockton (Can be reached through Facebook, either by her name or their transport page, logo is below so you know you found the right one.)
August Route : She has a couple spots! I would meet her at stop #73
Link to her form:
As always, please reach out if you have any questions!